Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Busy and cold!!

This week has been extremely busy so far. Late evenings at work. Then too tired to do much when I get home. I did work on 2 more frames last night. Am trying some different sizes and styles. I am working on a 4x6 one that is turning out quite nicely.
It is very cold here and I am glad that I work inside. The weather has been very strange here. It was so warm for a while, it was almost spring like, we even had daffodils with buds on them. None got the courage to bloom before the icy cold weather hit them. Hope they can hang in there until spring truly does get here!

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Please post pictures of the 4 x 6 frame when you get it done. It is cold here too. Right now it is 3 degrees.