Sunday, April 1, 2007

Long time, no blog...

Long time, no blog... Of course it has been busy here. When isn't it?? I have been trying to clean out our 2nd bedroom, which had become a catch all room. We had been talking about doing foster care for one or two, but that idea has been nixed. I think we would enjoy it if I didn't work full time, so for now I will still work on the room in preparation for a little one someday. Since I am cleaning it out, I figured I might as well paint and decorate while it's cleaned out rather than waiting til later. I have the paint and the decorations for under $70.oo. I was quite proud of myself. Since we have Good Friday off, I am going to paint next weekend. I enjoy it! My pictures for the walls are gorgeous, if I do say so myself! At $5.00 a piece, I definitely can't complain. I'll try to post some photos of them.
I haven't said much about our international adoption lately. That's probably because there's not a whole lot to say. We are in the saving money stage. When we get enough to cover the contract fees we will move on to the next step - dossier preparation. that step will probably take 6-8 months and twice as much money as the contract fees. So, it's kinda slow.... All in God's timing, but sometimes I do wish He would hurry just a little.


Vicki said...

We're praying for you and your adoption....I understand!

sarahmfry said...

We have considered walking that LONG road! I'll look forward to reading as your adoption process progresses. Sp glad I found your blog!

sarahmfry said...

I meant SO glad. lol